Hmmm...wha? Oh, yes...the CBG Fan Awards are asking for nominations... This from their site....
"Between now and February 28, 2009, you, the fans, have the chance to nominate your favorites of the past year for the Comics Buyer's Guide's annual Fan Awards. Any comics material with a 2008 cover date or copyright is eligible for consideration. Creators are eligible only if they had work published with a 2009 cover date or copyright.
Again this year, we're offering a nominating round with the survey below.
The final ballot with the top nominees from each category will be available online in mid-March
Only vote in the categories you want, leaving blank the ones you don't. Please, only one nominee per category.
Feel free to mention this nominating ballot on other websites, but we ask those websites or posters to not give potential voters a list of what creators and projects they should vote for and which they should avoid. Such detailed listings amount to a request for ballot box stuffing. As ever, ballot box stuffing will result in discarding the ballots in question. This is a democratic process with everyone free to pick their favorites, not ones that they're told to vote for. Soliciting votes is allowed, but filling in the blanks for potential voters is not."
So, obviously, I'm not going to tell you who to vote for, but do go here

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